Master of Arts in Management


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Master the art of management

管理学硕士学位将为你提供全面的技能和知识基础,为各行各业的各种职业机会打开大门. Whether you’re a project manager, 非营利组织管理, 企业家, or healthcare administrator, you’ll be able to tailor your career to your interests and strengths, making this master’s a valuable 学位 in today’s job market.

Do you want to pursue a career in management? 也许你是一名职业中期的专业人士,希望在当前的公司里爬上一层阶梯,成为一名高管. Whatever your background, 获得中文博彩平台在线管理硕士学位将为你承担管理责任并成为一名鼓舞人心的领导者做好准备.

Maybe you have a 学位 in art and someday want to own or manage an art gallery. 我们的米.A.M. 学位 is designed with the nonbusiness undergraduate in mind. M.A.M. 该项目提供了一个全面的商业和管理方法,让你可以把你的本科学位提升到一个新的水平,并享受更多的职业发展机会.

无论你是工作的专业人士,还是住在德克萨斯州以外,但仍然想要一个特殊的教育经历, our management 学位 was created for you. Our 30- to 36-hour, fully online M.A.M. 学位 will let you earn your 学位 without sacrificing work or time with your family.

早期的米.A.M. Degree Opportunities

在任何HSU学士学位课程的大四学生都有资格进入研究生学习提前录取(EAGL)计划. 应用 six credit hours toward both your undergraduate and M.A.M. 度. 在本科毕业后的一年内获得管理学硕士学位,节省你的时间和金钱.

Why Earn Your Accounting Degree at Hardin-Simmons?

Why Earn Your Accounting Degree at Hardin-Simmons?

Joint Bachelor and Masters Program

The Kelley College of Business at Hardin Simmons offers the joint B.B.A.-M.B.A. 课程,使学生朝着150小时注册会计师的要求工作,可以获得硕士学位,几乎没有额外的课程.

Real-World Experience

从准备纳税申报表到参加每周讨论板,我们的核心会计课程中包含了许多实践学习经验. 就业服务中心和会计学院也与当地会计师事务所密切合作,协调实习机会.

Skills to Succeed in a Changing World

随着全球经济需求的不断增长,会计师在商业中的角色也在不断演变. 我们的课程通过技术和沟通技能补充财务专业知识,下一代会计师将需要分析财务信息并将这些结果转化为预测工具.


Whether your undergraduate 学位 is in business or theatre, earning an M.A.M. 学位 from HSU will give you the confidence and expertise to manage an organization, start your own business, or rise in your current position.

我们的许多M.A.M. program graduates are employed in fields as diverse as human resources, 咨询, 市场营销, 和销售. They work in prestigious organizations including IBM, Peterbilt汽车, International Rescue Committee, and various 企业家ial companies around the nation.

M的工资.A.M. 学位的毕业生

The median annual salary for management occupations was $102,450 in 2021 — the highest wage of all major occupational groups — according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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  • How do I get started earning my M.A.M. 学位?

    M.A.M. Program Requirements

    To be eligible for the Master of Arts in Management online program, a candidate must hold a bachelor’s 学位 from an accredited institution, 有一个3.0 GPA in undergraduate work. 目前正在中文博彩平台攻读学士学位的高年级学生可以进入EAGL项目——允许六个小时的研究生工作计入两个学位.

    To receive full admission to the program, students must provide:

    1. Official transcripts from all schools
    2. 详细的简历
    3. A writing sample, such as a previously written paper or statement of faith
    4. An interview (in person, online, or by telephone) with the program director
    5. No GMAT or GRE is required

    International students


    母语不是英语的学生必须提供官方托福笔试成绩550分, a 213 on the computer-based exam, or a 75 on the internet-based TOEFL (iBT). TOEFL scores must be sent directly from the testing agency. HSU school codes: TOEFL- 6268.




  • Early Admission to Graduate Learning (EAGL)

    哈丁·西蒙斯大学鼓励即将进入大四的商科学生申请EAGL项目. Admission requirements are the same as those for full admission to the MA in Management program, 除非所有HSU课程的累积GPA可以代替本科的总GPA.

    被录取的学生在大四可能需要最多6个小时的硕士课程来申请他们的MAM学位. By completing the remaining MAM core curriculum, 选修课, and all other requirements of the MAM, 学生可以在完成36小时的研究生工作后获得硕士学位,其中包括最多6小时的本科学习. 本科学位将在完成该学位课程的所有要求后授予.

    Undergraduates in Graduate Courses

    根据商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)的标准, MAM项目的课程通常必须保留给被MAM项目录取的研究生. Exceptions will be made only under the following circumstances:

    1. The undergraduate has been admitted into the EAGL
    2. The undergraduate is a senior with a cumulative GPA of at 3.2.
    3. 有一些情有可原的情况可以证明允许本科生接研究生


  • 关于主任

    Jennifer Plantier-Director of 研究生课程

    “我们的米AM courses are hands on, 所以学生们可以把他们在课堂上学到的东西应用到他们实际工作中去. We coordinate with local businesses on projects that are real-world work – 市场营销 plans, 研究, 商业计划, nonprofit promotions and grant writing, 和实习. 我们可以通过MAM内的特定选修课程为个别学生定制发展计划.”

    Dr. Jennifer Hobbs Plantier, Professor of Business & Marketing, is the Hardin Simmons University MAM program director. Dr, Plantier获得了夏威夷太平洋大学的工商管理学士学位,主修市场营销. 在康涅狄格州和德克萨斯州的两家广播电台工作期间,她的工作使她从零售进入商业贩运和销售.

    Dr. 普兰蒂埃在德克萨斯理工大学担任市场总监和学生事务电台程序员期间继续接受教育. She completed her MS in 市场营销 at Tech, 之后,她将研究重点转向了消费者行为,并在德克萨斯理工大学继续深造,获得了消费经济学博士学位. During the completion of this 学位, Dr. Plantier served as a 访问ing Professor at Towson University in Towson, 马里兰, where she taught 市场营销 and economics courses.


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